Campus Audimax Nacht EN
Photo: Campus at night from the Audimax

Accompanying service of Ruhr-University Bochum

Anyone who feels unsafe or uncomfortable on the way to the parking garage, bicycle rack or bus stop on the campus of Ruhr University Bochum can request accompaniment from the accompanying service.

Walk safe: Your companion for safety 24/7

The service can be requested every day and around the clock by calling

A staff member will arrive at your location promptly.

The accompanying service is provided free of charge for all students, employees, researchers, teaching staff, and guests of Ruhr University Bochum.

Wachdienst Begleitschutz
Beschäftigter in der Weste des Wachdienstes mit der Aufschrift Security
Points of Contact

This service is offered by the Department Infrastructure Facility Management (Infrastrukturelles Gebäudemanagement) and supported by the Anti-Discrimination Office (Antisdiskriminierungsstelle), the Equal Opportunities Office (Gleichstellungsbüro) and the Awareness-Campaign against sexism called Our Campus (Unser Campus).

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