
Free Tampons at RUB

Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) provides free tampons at various central restrooms.

What is Period Poverty?

Period poverty refers to the situation where people who menstruate can’t afford the hygiene products they need. The products are often expensive. If there is little money to pay for living expenses to begin with, these costs can become a great burden or can't be borne at all. In early August 2022, for example, the government in Scotland reacted to this problem.

If hygiene products are not changed regularly, there’s a risk of infection. People who can’t afford to buy menstrual products are also severely restricted in their daily lives, as they can’t leave their homes to attend events, for example.

Tampon dispensers have been installed in various toilets on campus to provide access to tampons and support menstruating people.

Where Can I Find the Tampon Dispensers?

Student Service Center (SSC):

  • Ladies restroom, level 0 (ground floor)
  • Restroom, level 0 (ground floor)
  • Gents restroom, level 0 (ground floor)

Hörsaalzentrum Ost (HZO):

  • Ladies restroom, level 02
  • Gents restroom, level 02

Would You Like to Report a Problem?

In case of technical problems or if the tampon dispensers are empty, please use the following form:

Problem report form


How are the locations for the dispensers selected?

The dispensers are placed in locations that are as central as possible and are easily accessible.

Which products are available?

There are tampons available in size “normal”.

How do the dispensers work?

The dispensers work contact-free and automatically by holding the hand under the dispenser. A tampon is then dispensed.

There is then a short waiting time before another tampon can be removed. This is to prevent the dispenser from being completely emptied.

Who can use the offer?

All RUB members and visitors can use the offer.

Why can the dispensers also be found in front of men's toilets?

Since menstruation can affect not only women but also trans and inter people, dispensers are also installed in men's restrooms. For this reason, the term “menstruating persons” is also used.

More Information (German websites):


Free tampons were made available at RUB for the first time in October 2022. This was initiated by the “Free Menstrual Products” working group, which was formed in 2021 by various student groups. The members were committed to providing free menstrual products.

The project was coordinated by the departments Infrastructural Building Management and Corporate Communications, the Equal Opportunities Office as well as students and has become permanent.

Article in the magazine “Chancengleich” (German)

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