To download the emergency manual, you first must enter your RUB login ID (= „Benutzername“) and password (= „Kennwort“).
RUB Guidelines to handling crisis situations
Help to ensure that Ruhr University Bochum remains a safe place. Find out about the correct reporting channels for emergencies, how to behave in crisis situations and what you can do in case an emergency happens.
What should I do in the event of a fire alarm? How can I help in a medical emergency? Who do I turn to if I or others are in danger?
All members of Ruhr University Bochum should be informed regarding emergency contact telephone numbers so that the rescue chain can be set in motion as quickly as possible and support can be provided.
Ruhr University Bochum's Emergency Manual describes emergency scenarios of all kinds and gives recommendations on what to do in these situations. It helps you to familiarize yourself with this topic in advance so that you can act quickly and effectively when necessary.
An updated version of the Emergency Manual has been available since March 7, 2025 and can be downloaded here.
To download the emergency manual, you first must enter your RUB login ID (= „Benutzername“) and password (= „Kennwort“).
Basic safety information and regulations are also available in video format. If you want to find out more about a specific topic, select the information you are looking for from the different chapters.