Ruhr-Universität Bochum


The three letters "R" "U" "B" form the core of the corporate design of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. They are the trademark that represents the identity of the university internally and externally.

This figurative mark is complemented by the word mark "Ruhr-Universität Bochum". Together, the figurative and word marks make up the logo. They form a unit.

Rules for the use of the RUB logo


The RUB logo is RUB blue. Other colors are not allowed. If color printing is not possible, the RUB logo may appear black on a light background or white on a dark background. It may also be used on photos if legibility is guaranteed.


The RUB logo is an inviolable unit. Modifications of the logo are not permitted: the logo may not be rotated, tilted or distorted, the word and figurative marks may not be separated, their arrangement may not be changed. The fonts may not be changed.

Size and location

The RUB logo is embedded in a protection zone, which is marked in the logo file. This protection zone belongs to the RUB logo and must not be overwritten. It does not extend beyond the edge of the media.

The RUB logo (without the protective zone) is at least six millimeters high in print communication and at least 15 pixels high in online communication. The word mark "Ruhr-Universität Bochum" is always clearly legible.

  • The RUB logo is available exclusively in the colors RUB blue, black and white.
  • The RUB logo is unchangeable in its shape and structure.
  • The protective zone of the RUB logo is always observed.
  • The RUB logo is at least 6 millimeters high in print applications.
  • The RUB logo is at least 15 pixels high in digital applications.
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