The following measures are necessary to flesh out and continuously sharpen the brand mission statement:
Our new claim “Built to change” provides the framework for all communication measures.
- The founding history of Ruhr University Bochum as the first university established after the Second World War and its significance for change in the Ruhr represents new beginnings. It therefore corresponds to the brand archetype “phoenix from the ashes” – both now and in the future. Such archetypes are helpful in providing associations that are firmly anchored in people’s memories. In our case, this includes all elements that shows the new on top of the old, such as pictures of construction sites, monumental imagery, 51/7, landmarks, morning light, stark contrasts and many more.
- The Ruhr University Bochum’s brand narrative, in line with its archetypal anchoring, is a hero’s journey of rising through knowledge. This applies to the institution as a whole as well as to individual members. The progression from working-class student to researcher or even to start-up entrepreneur is prototypical for Ruhr University Bochum and sets us apart from other universities.
- The brand tonality of Ruhr University Bochum is, above all, honest; still, in future its presentation should be somewhat more self-confident and striking than it has been up to now.
- The brand design, resp. corporate design will be better adapted to the essence of Ruhr University Bochum: more diverse, more flexible, more colorful, more vibrant.
- The umbrella brand Ruhr University Bochum will be strengthened, a brand sub-family will be established. The brand architecture will thus assume a more self-resembling structure and gradually optimize the overly heterogeneous “logo zoo” of Ruhr University Bochum.
- The Ruhr University Bochum’s communication channels will be continuously adapted, the brand digitality is socially intelligent, responsive, modular, dynamic and optimized for search engines and AI.